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Título : Implementación del programa de pausas activas en pro de una eficacia laboral en los trabajadores del proceso Eurolit de la empresa Tubasec C.A en la ciudad de Riobamba dentro del periodo enero 2013 -junio 2013
Autor : Jami, Patricio
Cargua Usca, Adrian
Palabras clave : Anatomía
Fecha de publicación : 2013
Editorial : Riobamba: Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2013
Citación : Facultad de Ingeniería
Resumen : Con la presente investigación, se hace énfasis en la salud ocupacional y su importancia para la prevención de lesiones osteomusculares derivadas de la exposición a riesgos laborales como levantamiento y manipulación de carga, posturas forzadas y movimientos repetitivos, a través de un enfoque fisioterapéutico laboral, considerando por lo tanto el origen de las lesiones osteomusculares que se evidencian en los trabajadores. La investigación se realiza en grupos vulnerables de trabajadores de la empresa Tubasec c.a que están sometidos a grandes esfuerzos físicos y psicosociales , que provocan en ellos un conjunto de complicaciones óseas y musculares, que ocasionan una disminución de productividad en el desarrollo de sus actividades.
Descripción : The emphasis of this research is on occupational health and its importance for the prevention of musculoskeletal injuries from exposure to occupational risks such as lifting and manipulation of load, forced postures and repetitive movements, through a physiotherapy labor approach, hence considering the origin of musculoskeletal injuries that are evident among workers. This research is conducted in vulnerable groups of workers of Tubasec C.A. company who are submitted to physical and psychosocial efforts, which cause a set of musculoskeletal complications among them, causing a decrease in productivity in the development of their activities. This work consists of four chapters : the first one describes in detail the research problem, where a retrospective study is developed, where the high rate of musculoskeletal pathology on workers is being evident and the high rate of absenteeism that it entails, low staff , family-level psychosocial disorders of the worker and lower productivity at the enterprise level; in the second chapter, the topic is theoretically based, starting with the conceptualization of present musculoskeletal disorders, the development of active breaks , the necessary physiotherapy recommendation to finally propose a hypothesis to be tested; the third chapter deals with the methodological proposal, that is, how the research was developed and its outcome; the final chapter provides the corresponding conclusions and recommendations; to conclude it, various documents to strengthen this research are attached, trusting that the research and the results of this work will contribute to preserve the health, the physical and psychological integrity of the Tubasec C.A. Enterprise employees.
URI : http://dspace.unach.edu.ec/handle/51000/959
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis Terapia Física y Deportiva

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