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Título : Metodología activa y su incidencia en la enseñanza del idioma kichwa en los niños de tercer grado de la UECIB “San Juan Bosco” parroquia Ángel Polivio Chávez, cantón Guaranda, provincia de Bolívar
Autor : Illicachi Guzñay, Juan
Ninabanda Tenelema, Bélgica Marianela
Palabras clave : metodología activa
Fecha de publicación : 29-oct-2021
Editorial : Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
Citación : Ninabanda Tenelema, B(2021)(Metodología activa y su incidencia en la enseñanza del idioma kichwa en los niños de tercer grado de la UECIB “San Juan Bosco” parroquia Ángel Polivio Chávez, cantón Guaranda, provincia de Bolívar)(Tesis de Posgrado)Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo
Resumen : Metodología activa y su incidencia en la enseñanza del idioma kichwa en los niños de tercer grado de la UECIB “San Juan Bosco” parroquia Ángel Polivio Chávez, cantón Guaranda, provincia de Bolívar
Descripción : ABSTRACT: The objective of this research is to analyze the effects of the active teaching method presented due to multiple factors on the development of Kichwa language among the third grade students from the Intercultural Community Educational Unit Bilingual "San Juan Bosco". The use of Kichwa has been relegated only to the private space and family life. The traditional methods used for teaching the language were usually based on the word, marker, and blackboard, producing disinterest and boredom in learning of Kichwa. In addition, the lack of support from parents for their children’s extracurricular activities has a negative effect on the development of indigenous cultures. It not only implies the loss of symbols of identity and belonging to the indigenous people and nationality, but also vehicles of ethnic values. The methods used in this research are qualitative and quantitative, experimental and exploratory which allows an analysis of the existing relationship between the two variables; of a propositional, field, documentary and descriptive type; This made it possible to apply two data collection instruments, an observation sheet applied to 25 students in the third year of primary school and a questionnaire applied to 7 teachers of the same level. The data collected from these instruments were tabulated, plotted, analyzed and interpreted, to reach conclusions and recommendations where the appropriate active methodologies for the teaching of the Kichwa language are highlighted, based on game-based learning, project-based learning and cooperative learning. Finally, it is proposed, in the form of an annex, a methodological guide for the study of Kichwa, which aims to develop and enhance the Kichwa language in children in the third year of basic general education
URI : http://dspace.unach.edu.ec/handle/51000/8190
Aparece en las colecciones: Maestría En Pedagogía Mención Docencia Intercultural

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