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dc.contributor.advisorVallejo., María Dolores-
dc.contributor.authorCava Paguay, Gabriela Elizabeth-
dc.contributor.authorPilataxiYaucán., Irene Margot-
dc.descriptionThe main goal study was to deal with the different apphcation of some comunictive activities en oder to solve problem stated in the resaeach problem. the study was conducted over as simple population of 24 that studies constitute a small group, so the aplication of any satistic formula was not rqueried. the results of the survey reflected three important facts: first of all, the students informet that the activities perfomet inside the calsrrom did not meet the mininum requeriments or expentatios due to the inappropiate selection of topics and learning tools to develop the speaking skill. A posiblr solution to thes problemm is to let students take advantage of a variety of learning tools to motivate and assit the the development of the speaking skilles_ES
dc.format.extent151 p.es_ES
dc.publisherRiobamba, UNACH 2016es_ES
dc.titleThe communicative activities to teach speaking skill in students of 2do año de bachillerato en aplicaciones informáticas parallel “a” at “Iisabel de Godín” high school, in the city of riobamba, Chimborazo province, during the schoolar year 2014-2015.es_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Tesis - Idiomas

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